Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Week Fifty Nine

Caught on Tape!

On Tuesday, January 21, Eric said in his email:

"During Music and the Spoken Word on Sunday I'm pretty sure I caught myself on tv a couple of times in the background.  Even if I wasn't in it I definitely saw Elder Pickering."

Below I submit the evidence...

Eric is seated between the pillars
(Click for a larger picture)

Eric sees himself  on the TV monitor...
(Click for a larger picture)

...so he turns and looks at the camera.
 (Click for a larger picture)

And now, Eric's message:

You know I'm really glad you were able to catch me looking at the camera because I did it specifically for you.  I was going to wave but I'm not brave enough to do that yet.  Maybe when I'm closer to going home.

I got my license renewed about 2 hours ago.  I wanted it done earlier but that's the only  time Elder Andersen could do it for me.  Don't worry anymore because I got it done exactly a week before it expired.

Yesterday we had a meeting with all the elders so President Workman could announce the new AP.  He chose an elder named Elder Collier who got here in April 2013.  This left a vacancy because he was a zone leader so an elder named Elder Perkins became the new zone leader, he also got here in April 2013.  President Workman was explaining that he's trying to give all elders opportunities for leadership positions so if you get released that doesn't mean you aren't doing a good job and all that, so I thought this meant that I was going to get released.  Nope I got the new transfer sheet and I'm still a district leader for March.  They must like me where I am or something.

I ate at the Blue Iguana (not to be confused with the red one) on Saturday night for an elder's birthday.  He told me it wasn't too expensive but it turned out to be a gourmet Mexican restaurant with nothing on the menu being under $10.  I got some enchiladas and they were pretty good but I would rather have cheaper ones.

(Brian's Note: I prefer the Red Iguana located on North Temple near the Jackson/Euclid TRAX stop. They have really tasty mole -- pronounced Mol-ay -- sauces. The Red Iguana has a fast food version of the restaurant called Taste of Red Iguana. It is located in the food court in the City Creek Center across the street from Temple Square and is significantly cheaper than the Blue or Red Iguanas. I highly recommend it.)

I'm getting a new companion on Wednesday, Elder Henrie.  He's not new to the mission so this is the first time I'll just have a regular transfer without any trainer opportunities or whatever since for forever.  Elder Pickering is a bit sad to go but I told him we've been together for a while now and transfers happen. 


Elder Larson

Parting Shot:

Here is a little video of Eric seeing himself on TV and looking at the camera.
Click here to see a full version of the video.

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