Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week Fifty Six

The air is a bit better now because it snowed quite a bit last night.  It weirded me out because I woke up at 4 AM because someone was shoveling snow right outside my window and I was thinking where did all of the snow come from?  Even the pigeons seem happy.  (I have a strange fondness for pigeons I've come to realize.  Don't know why either.) 

Security has an office on the main floor of the lobby but it's not really big.  If you call the non-emergency number for security like what I did they'll just send any officers that happen to be roaming around over.  If you call the emergency number then personnel medics or whatever will show up quite fast.  And if you press one of the panic buttons then in less than 3 seconds you'll have armed guards swarming the floor coming in through doors you didn't even know existed.  I haven't seen that, but someone pressed it just to see if it worked (big no no) and that was the result.  Everything on Church campus is connected by underground tunnels so I guess that's how they do it.  So basically I feel safer here than I would anywhere else.

I actually didn't need the pink paper you sent because I forgot to tell you (and so did Dad evidently) that Dad sent me a .pdf of my insurance card so I printed it out and I just used that and now I have it with me at all times.  I didn't get to see the doctor yet because my x-rays didn't arrive on time.  I have them now and I will see what's what tomorrow.

I still haven't bought a new CD player because I don't feel like I need to anymore because mine's working somewhat okay now.  But thanks.  I am going to ask for something that's probably too expensive though so brace yourselves.  I'm going to attempt to start sleeping naturally again and one thing we all think will help is a new sleep machine.  I'm glad you sent me the one that we already have but I'm afraid it's kind of...not good.  It has a 3 second sound loop which drives me crazy and the sound quality isn't very good.  This is the one that the nurses at the mission office have and they suggested it to me.  I tried it and I really like it and it's half off right now.  I would have asked for my birthday but it might not be half off then:  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sound-Sleep-Adaptive-Sound-Sleep-Therapy-Machine/16405852  In case link doesn't work it's Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine Model ASM1002.  Thank you very much.  ( I checked at my local Wal-Mart and it didn't have it.)

I was still kind of sick at the beginning of last week but I'm finally okay.  I went to zone every time though because I didn't have a fever so according to the nurses that meant that I could go. 

We also decided to stop playing board games in my apartment because they were starting to be too much of a distraction.  Board games are not bad things obviously but they are distracting when you end up not getting any studying done which is what was happening to my apartment mates.  I found a quote by Neal A. Maxwell, "Many individuals preoccupied by the cares of the world are not necessarily in transgression. But they certainly are in diversion and thus waste “the days of [their] probation” (2 Ne. 9:27)."  I told them that we were kind of wasting our time when we had much better things to do since we were on a mission.  They agreed with me so now we're done. 

We also went through another huge change.  We got 3 new young elder zone leaders to be companions with our current zone leaders.  On other missions zone leaders and APs are always companions so President Workman wanted it to be like that from now on.  That left a gap of 4 new district leaders because 3 are now zone leaders (and one of the district leaders got released.  Don't know why either.)  This means I am officially the oldest district leader still alive; as in I've been a district leader much longer than any of the other current district leader.  I'm expecting a release because I've been one for about half my mission now so it will either be a release for me soon or a promotion.  It's all up in the air so I really don't know what will happen to me so I'll be happy to do whatever.

Elder Ungerman is moving out and we'll have a new elder that came in December moving in.  The other Elders that will be living with me, Elder Pickering, Elder Robinson, and Elder Collard, came into the mission in October, November, and December respectively.  I'll have my first opportunity to feel like an old man on the mission because I'll be living with all these greenies. 

Thank you for including a spiritual thought at the end.  Keep on doing it because I really like it.

Elder Larson

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