Friday, May 31, 2013

Week Twenty One

The way it works around here is you always get released on the last Friday of the month before you came on this mission, and all new elders come in on the first Friday of the next month.  But on December they have mercy and let you leave on the Friday before Christmas,  which just so happens to be Dad's Birthday.  I would have firgured it out eventually even if I didn't look at the chart.

Also what the heck is Manga Magic and why is it in my room?  I recall having no such thing.  I want my Mastering Manga!  If it's not in that white box though then I have no idea where it is, it might even be on my bookshelf somewhere.  I should mention, though, that there are several pages missing from it too.  Did you find those giant stacks of drawing paper though? Because I want those too.  And since I'm so demandind, I've also been looking into getting myself an at home pull up bar but maybe you can get me one.  And I can see you're still working on the camera situation which is good.  I would use the first one you gave me (Andrew's one) despite the bluriness but that one is kind of broken too.  Everytime I turn it off it makes this horrible grinding noise and the lens gets stuck in the out posistion and the screen says "Lens Error" and then I can't get it to work again.

Yes there's a Sister Andersen too.  The Brandons are leaving at the end of  this month, and we're getting a new mission President in at the end of July I think.  Pretty much the whole mission leadership is being changed soon.

No I never shook Elder Holland's hand.  But during Priesthood Session he looked right at me and gave me a thumbs up and a fist of power.

And yes fine I guess you beat the wall of puns.

I already told Andrew that I can't remember anything anymore, so I don't know if I already told you that I officially passed off all my British training, FINALLY.  (Except for Australia, but that's optional, working at it slowly.)  I even got a little Union Jack pin to prove it.  And if I pass Australia training I get a Koala.

On Memorial Day we were all excused from our zones and we got in our pday clothes and hiked up to the Salt Lake Cemetery.  I found several prophets and other prominent people in the church, and it was really awesome to wander around such a huge cemetery.  The Masoleum was open too and I've never been in one of those before, that was fun too.  The highlight, though, is our group found where Sister Monson was buried even though the headstone isn't up yet (obviously.)  We just found a mass of flowers about the size of a casket covering newly dug ground, and sure enough there was a not in the flowers that said it was Sister Monson.  To double confirm it a lady came over to lay some more flowers on it and she said she was Sister Monson's niece.  Anyway yeah cool stuff too bad I don't have a camera.

Nothing else to report except for having no money because of stupidly expensive medication even with co-pay.  I withdrew some money but I still came up short this week so I didn't go shopping today.  That's okay though because I have more than enough food and should probably start eating it before it spoils.

Oh and moving sheets came out yesterday and it looks like I'm moving into a new apartment (AGAIN) and that I'm getting a new companion, Elder Call.  I don't know much about him other than he only has a couple months left on his mission and that he works at the vault, so you won't know until next week about him.  And I'm moving into another two man apartment which I'm excited about.  They're so much nicer than the four man's because they have a bigger bathroom and more fridge space.

Love, Elder Larson

Oh and since I hate to leave without pictures, here's a some pictures way back from January (or February, I can't remember) when we visited the Bishop's Storehouse.  I think Elder Brandon took these on his phone and sent it to all of us.  I've been meaning to give you them for a while but I just now remembered so here you go.  I'm right at the front in case you couldn't tell.

He told us all to wave so sorry if it looks like some of us are "Sieg Heiling."

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week Twenty

Yes the dentist went well.  He just unscrewed my implants. put bigger ones in, made a mold, screwed them back in, and now the crowns can be made. Surprisingly it didn't hurt at all.

I was planning on going to Sister Monson's funeral but I didn't find out about my appointment until yesterday.  Elder Andersen drove me because Elder Brandon went to the funeral.  Elder Andersen is going to be the new young elder director because the Brandons are leaving in June (which is really depressing.)  Elder Andersen is still learning but I think he'll do a good job. There's a picture of him in the latest Ensign. Look at page 54 during "The Power of the Priesthood in a Boy" talk and you can see him hugging his grandson.

Yes I got the stamps, thank you very much they must have been expensive.  I only have the tiny envelopes and I've been meaning to buy the bigger ones but I keep forgetting.  The only paper I need is my art paper, which should be in the box next to my desk in my room because I forgot to bring it.  (Send me 'Mastering Manga' as well.  I want to see if I can get it approved.  Because Elder Brandon keeps telling me I should practice my drawing and that should help.)

I'm glad Becca is doing well and glad that Janetta is still...Janetta...I guess.  Wish I could have seen it.

Yeah Katie would have something like that happen to her and not tell you about it.  Any dog that bites someone needs to be reported and I think they put them on the vicious dog list.  At worst he can end up losing his dog.  It's sad but if the dog goes nuts again what if he attacks a little girl or something?

Well if that's what you meant than yes, elders can and do serve in more than one zone.  All elders have a nightzone if they aren't in a fulltime zone (like mine.)  Elder McCarty who is in my zone goes and helps the youth conferences that are held at the JSMB in the afternoons, that zone is called the Family Search Center zone.  And even Elder Davis who is now an AP comes back to his original zone (my zone) in the evening.

They don't tell the missionaries when they'll be released I just happened to look at the chart.  Everything is well organized around here so we have to know when elders are leaving so we can fill in the spots for next month for the new elders.  I'll go ahead and tell you though because this news seems to upset you and I'll go ahead and explain:  Ever elder knows that they are released at the end of the month, before the month they came into the mission.  And you can find the exact date just by looking at the chart in the mission office.  I'm set to be released on December 19, 2014.  So umm yeah, surprise!  Happy Birthday in 2014 Dad I hope you find that a good present!  January elders are always considered the luckiest because they only have to miss one Christmas away from the family while on their mission.

My week went well.  On Monday in District Meeting I prepared a talk that the other elders said was really good.  I can attach the talk if you want, it's called "You Are Who You Choose To Be."

On Tuesday I went to the annual Family and Church History Department Devotional which is held in the Conference Center Theater, the speaker is always an apostle and this year it was Elder Richard G. Scott. I got in there real early and was told I can sit anywhere I want so I sat right in front of the podium, so I was like 5 feet away from him the whole time he was talking.  I don't remember much what he talked about (he talked about how sacred temple ordinances are and quoted from D&C 132 a lot) but I do remember he told the funniest joke at the beginning.  He says, "Let me tell you all a secret.  Do you want to know a guaranteed way to wake up with a smile on your face every morning?  You go to bed with a coat hanger in your mouth the night before."  Once the talk was over he passed by me and I shook his hand.  He asked me where I was from and I said, "The distant land of American Fork, Utah."  He told me that that's a great place and then asked me what part of town and I said, "On the border of Highland near Legacy Elementary if you know where that is."  And he said that he does know where that is.  So let it be known that an apostle knows what part of American Fork I live in.

On Wednesday I scanned every page of every book that Grandma sent to me regarding her family history.  So I got it all digitized and I can send it back to her now, if I knew how to send a package properly.  I've been adding stories and pictures on FamilySearch if you've been noticing.

Also I don't know if you've been watching the falcons lately but one of the eggs hatched!  I even got pictures of the parents feeding the baby!

Cute little baby falcon

Daddy brought in food and Mommy is taking it from him

Elder Sy randomly sent these pictures to me.  It's from January at my first hail and farewell.  I really like the look on my face in this picture.

I can't remember what I was saying, but it was probably funny because Elder Smith and Elder Ungerman are laughing.

Here are all the young elders in the British Zone from L to R: Elder Davis, Elder McCarty, Some Dork With a Union Jack in His Pocket, and Elder Menke who just recently joined us in April.  This wasn't taken by my camera, I had to get it sent to me and I finally got it.
My next appointment for the dentist is on June 18, so I guess I'll finally have a smile then.  I already told everyone that I'd have teeth today but like always I got confused and didn't know which appoint was doing what to me.

I also just remembered that I finally passed off Ireland in my training, which means I am now fully certified to help all patrons on the floor.  Let it be known that that's how long it took to complete my training, the British Zone is tough.  (Also there's optional Australia training that I'll do in a couple of months.)

I've run out of time, see you later,

Elder Larson

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Week Nineteen

We had a nice visit with Eric last Sunday when he called home for Mother's Day.

It was fun to talk on Sunday too, but it was the quickest hour ever and I don't remember a thing I talked about.  I think I pretty much just babbled the whole time about...whatever.

I do feel like I need to clarify how zones work in our mission a little bit better since you guys asked.  Because of the special nature of our mission, think of the zone you are put in as the place you are called to serve.  So basically if you are put in a zone you're expected to serve in that zone for your whole mission because that is your calling.  But like I said, if a higher position is needed you can be called to a different zone, but that rarely happens.  Getting put in a zone isn't just a pick and choose thing.  The APs and the Brandons spend all the two weeks of training when you first arrive analyzing and praying about all the new elders and looking at their interests and abilities and when they've thought it over thoroughly and prayed about it (thoroughly) they send it to the president.  Then he does the same thing.  If he feels differently, he'll tell the Brandons and they'll start the process over.  So me being put in British Services was a calling from God and that's why I'm flourishing in it.

We do change companions as often as other missions, as well as districts.  Like I said, a district leader still serves in his zone, but he has some special leadership over his district and he reports to the APs, who report to the Brandons, who report to the President.  Like you've probably noticed I've already moved apartments 4 times and have been through 3 district leaders, the newest one being my companion.

Anyway, I know Grandma is already getting me stories about her ancestors and such, but I was wondering if Dad could talk to Grandpa and see if we can [get] info on his dad, grandparents and so forth.  And I also want to know a lot more about the Crockett line because I really don't know much.

Becca singing a solo is wonderful news, I'm surprised she didn't tell me about that.  Well actually I'm not really surprised because she doesn't make her reply close to Thursday.  But I'm happy for her, she sounds like she's doing so much better.

I've never heard of a Temple walk but I would totally do that.  Good for Katie for going on that.

Janetta doing softball is also really amazing.  Thanks for those pictures and tell her I'm happy for her.

Janetta plays catcher

You'll be shocked to know that every pun you told me is already on the wall.  We got some pretty good ones up there some of my favorite ones are:

  • I was wondering why the baseball was getting bigger, and then it hit me.  
  • England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.  
  • Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.  
  • The frustrated cannibal threw up his hands.  
  • Someone stole all the toilets in the police station, the police say they have nothing to go on.

Yeah and we have a lot more if you can comprehend that.

This week was pretty awesome.  Did you know that I got to call home on Sunday?  Oh wait...

I got a new mattress and it's awesome, all the mattresses in the apartment complex were replaced and they're all new and comfortable now.

I spent a lot of time in the Temple yesterday (about 3 1/2 hours).  I was sealed to Kenneth Harbert's parents in behalf of him, and I did a session for another guy...forgot his name.  And I did a lot of research on the Larson line.  I got a baptism record for Mons Larsson:

And I got a baptism record for Lehi Larson Sr.:

And I got a household record for Mons Larsson's family in 1857:

What I found cool about this is that it says that they're moving to North America soon.  On the very far right they're listed as "Mormoners."  And the consultant that was helping had a hard time reading a lot of the other stuff, but she said that she thinks it says something about them not offering tithes to the Lutheran church because they're part of some crazy new church, which I find pretty hilarious.

Today I'm teaching a class to my zone about Ireland Maps and Gazetteers.  And I'll teach it again tomorrow.  I'll attach a copy of the handout I'm giving them while I teach.  

I'm still serving well, and helping many people.  It's always a good feeling to help people discover their ancestors, and they always see me as their hero.  (Yes I am letting all the I love yous get to my head sorry.)  Like I said on Sunday, my mission is starting to wiz by in a horrible blur and I'll probably be home before I know it because I'm enjoying it so much.  Although it probably won't feel like that to you.

Love, Elder Larson

P.S.- I forgot to tell you on Sunday that I've known when my release date will be since January, but I'm not going to tell you yet because you'll be really surprised by the day.  Have fun wondering when it will be.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week Eighteen

That rainstorm on Tuesday was pretty close to hitting me.  I was walking home for dinner when thunder and lighting started going off everywhere.  Right as I was walking into my apartment building the raindrops started to fall.  When I got into my apartment it was POURING.  The water flooded up in the parking lot to about half a foot.  It was pretty insane.  I'm glad I was able to get home before that so my suit is still safe, and I got to walk back to my zone with my coat.

I was running an errand for my zone and I had to go to the 23rd floor of the Church Office Building.  Sister Simmons (I think that's who it was) ran into me while I was there.  I don't know if she told you that she ran into me or not yet.

I sent you a birthday letter (with a gift enclosed) and I hope it will get there soon.  Also remember how last Thursday I was all like (I don't know about calling home yet)?  Well that very night when Elder Hurd was doing check ins he announced the signing up for call times.  I will be given a cell phone at 6 PM and that's when I will call home, so be prepared.  And please tell Grandma that she is invited to come over during that time because that's perfectly okay it being Mother's Day and all.

I kept forgetting to tell you that I haven't been sending picture because my camera broke.  I'm serious.  I can't get either of the cameras here to work.  No matter how many times I change the batteries or mess around with the settings or anything.  So here's what I did.  Last night I asked Elder Hurd if he could take some pictures of all of us and then if he could e-mail to my church e-mail (we have familysearch e-mails that we can use whenever but they're only for church and missionary business...and that totally counts.)  And I will attach those pictures.

Also, I got a letter from Elder Gibb all the way from India!  I don't know what it had to go through to get here (I appears to be covered in some sort of sauce, but it was still legible thankfully) and it was dated Feb 27.  It took two and a half months to get here.  Elder Farrel told me that if I can get a first class international stamps that I could reply quicker, so I was wondering if you could try getting me some of those.

This week has gone well.  The patrons I help are always awesome like always.  Although there was this one person (and she was a Senior Sister on this mission but she worked somewhere else) who kept wanting me to help her find a Utah death certificate. The particular ancestor wasn't even born in England or anything, and she was on the BRITISH FLOOR expecting help from me a BRITISH SERVICE MISSIONARY.  I kept telling her that I wouldn't know how to find that certificate but that if you go to the 2nd floor (the US/Canada floor) they could definitely help her, but she refused to go up and she wouldn't stop asking me for help.  I tried my best with what I know on Familysearch and everything but again, I'm not familiar with all the other vast resources that exist for the US, BECAUSE I SPECIALIZE IN THE BRITISH ISLES AND IRELAND.  Anyway, yeah, that was annoying.

We also had an interesting experience with one guy coming in saying that he did believe in God, but that he doesn't agree with our church.  However, he said he wanted temple work done on our ancestors because his reasoning was that he wanted them to have salvation, and if it wasn't true, then what harm would be done with us doing it.  A pretty interesting guy, but he did have some pretty good points.  I don't know why so many people get mad at the work we do in the temple; but like a non-member himself said, what harm is it doing?

One more thing:  Elder Brandon took me to see Dr. Ferry again.  We told him about my headache and neck problems and how they still seem to happen even though I'm doing my stretches and whatever.  He adjusted my medication...AND IT'S WORKING MIRACLES.  So it took a while but it looks like I finally figured out [what] works for me.

Love everyone that reads this and I'm looking forward to [calling you] Sunday.

-Elder Larson

Pictures: I already dressed for bed but no one else had so I quickly put on a tie and my name tag.  And that wall you see with all the words is the "Wall of Puns".  Elder Farrel really likes puns and will just randomly write them down and hang them up on the wall.

Eric and companion

Eric and roommates

Eric and the wall of puns

Closeup of Eric and the wall of puns

A letter from India

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week Seventeen

Before I forget:  Elder Earl, an elder from Canada that came in my January group, told me that his parents discovered the blog you guys made about me.  Apparently it's the first thing that comes up when you google my mission.

It took so long (to have a driving test) because Elder Brandon is a busy man.  Also the APs (assistant to president) are supposed to arrange that and they kept forgetting.

Sorry I keep forgetting to bring more pictures.  Especially since there's new hideous baby pigeons. 

Elder Hurd is my companion and no he is not in my zone.  (Elder Davis, one of the AP's, was in my zone before he became an AP.  He doesn't live with me but we're pretty close so you might have confused him with my companion.)  Elder Hurd is my District Leader as well.  He's from Missouri (which is why I can barely understand him) but was living in Salt Lake City for about a year before starting this mission with his grandma. 

(NOTE: I think Eric means that Elder Hurd lived with his grandmother for a year before starting the mission and not that he started the mission with his grandma.)

He worked THREE jobs before his mission so he could save up the money.  He's a really nice and hardworking guy and I like him.  He's always really concerned about my health to and I recently found out why.  When he came on this mission about a year ago his trainer died in his sleep and he was the one that found him.  Apparently his companion had type 1 diabetes and wasn't really taking good care of if, slipped into a coma due to low blood sugar during the night, and was dead by the morning.  So yeah he's really pretty cool that he was able to experience something as traumatic as that and still be on his mission (and he talks about the experience pretty casually so I don't think it really bothers him.)
Elder Farrel is my other roommate, he's from Idaho.  He's been out here for over a year too and he's a pretty fun guy to talk with because he knows a lot about this mission and what goes on around Temple Square and such. 

And my other other roommate is Elder Stringham.  He's from a town near Weber, I keep forgetting what it's called.  He's a mumbler and he tends to slur his words so he's kind of hard to understand as well.  I feel bad that that's all I have to say about him but he kind of keeps to himself so I don't know.

I still don't know what's the deal for Mother's day.  They keep telling us they'll announce it soonish.  No we don't use Skype.  Apparently we're just going to get a cell phone at a scheduled time that works for everyone and I'm going to talk to you for 45 minutes.  (Yes apparently we only get 45 minutes.  Lame.)

I'm trying to think of things to talk about but there isn't much.  All my days and weeks are starting to blur together and I can't believe i'ts May already.  Grandpa told me in an e-mail that I probably forgot since I'm so busy but of course I remember that your birthday is on Wednesday.   I bought a Mother's Day gift too but I'm not sure if it will arrive in time so sorry if it doesn't. 

Peter Howard McBride does not have a patriarchal blessing as far as I can tell, neither does Janetta.  I'm trying so hard to trace their line but the records just don't seem to exist past the 1800s for that family.  I'll keep trying though. 

Things are getting busier at the library and I'm helping more and more people.  What amazes me is I have not dealt with one difficult person yet, they're all really nice. 

I'll end it here, sorry I couldn't think of more stuff.

Elder, Larson