Thursday, March 27, 2014


I'm sorry I haven't updated the blog for a while, but I thought I should bring everybody up-to-date.

Eric decided to return home from his mission early. He served well and was highly regarded by all he worked with in the Family and Church History Mission.

Here is what Eric posted to his Facebook page:

"To dispel the rumors: yes, I have returned from my mission early, I got back last Monday. I learned and grew more in one year than I have in my entire life but for various reasons I felt the best decision for my life right now was to move on and leave early. So far my family and church leaders have been very respectful of my decision which I'm very grateful for."

So now he's looking for a job. And based on some of the things the stake president said when Eric was released, I wouldn't be surprised if Eric is called to be a Family History consultant or something in the stake.