Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week Fifty Two

Eric has been on his mission for a year now, but he didn't have much to say this week.

I'm sorry I'm always so burned out and tired that I never remember what I want to say or what I should say.

Peppermint oil is a natural decongestant and it keeps my breath smelling fresh all day.  It can also be used as a natural pesticide but I haven't had to use it for that yet.  I can't buy it at Wal-mart but I had an apartment mate that had some and I liked it very much so I wanted some.  I really liked the Iron Giant toy but I'm not allowed to play with it because we were told that elders with toys sent to them should pack them away.  I didn't know that that was what the Aquabats! threw out and I had been looking for that answer for a while now so thanks.  I also opened it because I wanted to shoot the missile then I realized that this thing was pretty vintage and that opening it would make it lose its value but oh well too late. 

I don't wear the Batman to bed because I get super hot when I sleep for some reason.  I always wake up with sweat everywhere even with a shirt and shorts.

I don't have that manual but I've read it online a couple of times and I'm sure it will help.  The keyboard is the perfect weight for someone on a mission and it works for me.  I just wish that my new apartment mate Elder Robinson didn't go out and buy himself a keyboard last Saturday.

On New Year's Eve we watched Ephraim's Rescue, which is a very good movie.  Watch it if you have the chance it's like our ancestors: the movie.  And I finished one quilt and almost got done with the other quilt.

Elder Larson

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